God in Public
How The Bible Speaks Truth To Power Today
Tom Wright
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Drawing on a collection of lectures that Tom Wright delivered from 1999 to 2015, God in Public brings together the message of Jesus – in its larger biblical context – and the challenges of the contemporary public and political worlds.
Those new to Tom Wright will find this book an ideal introduction into his writings. In this book, Wright challenges the west’s response to 9/11 and then expands to discuss a more Jesus inspired way of approaching the public problems we find ourselves in, based on the following Jesus’ life and teachings.
Questions such as: What has Christianity to do with power? Why must the church remind those in authority of their responsibilities? And What can Christians do to act as the voice of the voiceless? Are central in this book as Wright demonstrates the many ways in which faithful exegesis of scripture can throw fresh light – God’s light – on the great philosophical and ethical problems of our day.